Faction builds multi-sensor, artificial intelligence cognitive neurolinguistics software

Faction offers adaptive, real-time, and forensic capabilities

Faction offers adaptive, real-time, and forensic capabilities to provide operational intelligence for any data-intensive application.  Faction enables Proactive, Predictive, and Preventative Capabilities through its unsupervised continuous-learning-based multi-sensor analytics platform, Foundation®. Faction’s AI’s competitive advantage is its breakthrough approach to Machine Learning, Cognitive-Neuro AnalyticsTM, which uses no training, no predefined behaviors, and no rules. Therefore, Foundation is the most scalable solution to identify anomalies and information within customer-generated data – across industry types.


Illustrative use cases


Provide large-scale transportation systems and video surveillance technologies


Monetize and gamify their daily streaming and social networking activities


Utilized for smart contracts. Generates and executes intricate smart contracts by powering vital analysis


Metaverse uses Al and blockchain technology to create a digital virtual world


Illustrative use cases

Financial services

Applications for Video Surveillance, Regulatory compliance, Consumer tracking

Public safety

Detect and contain public safety threats early. Boosts speed and efficiency


Technology can help save costs, improve staff safety, and increase machine efficiency


Applications for Smart medical devices, Smart patient rooms, Health data analytics

Contact us

For additional information contact us on info@factionai.io