Faction builds multi-sensor, artificial intelligence cognitive neurolinguistics software

Prometheus - Cognitive-Neurolinguistics Analytics

Cognitive-Neurolinguistics Analytics

Faction’s Promatheus is an unsupervised auto-learning neuro-linguistics cognitive Operating System. Building off more than 15 years of research, Promatheus is based on a groundbreaking method of Machine Learning called Cognitive Analytics. While Faction’s AI’s multi-sensor data fusion platform can enhance the security and efficiency of any data-intensive industry, the Company’s technology is exceptionally conducive to the Blockchain, Healthcare, Energy and Public Safety, Gaming, and Transportation sectors. The software employs no training, established behaviors, or rules, which is why the platform is highly scalable in spotting anomalies and information. Promatheus is supported through an existing network of over 100 patents.

Cognitive operating system

Faction’s Learning Engine is the core of the system. It is comprised of cognitive and linguistic components, as well as memory capacity and ML/DL algorithms

Core toolsets

Faction utilizes key third-party toolsets that can seamlessly be integrated into the platform. These toolsets assist in building applications that utilize the COS and adaptors.


The COS can then be augmented with modular plug-in application extensions that enable capabilities across a broad range of industries and business lines


Promatheus is a middleware component that ingests sensor data directly from the machines and sensors which generate this data or through database aggregation platforms.From there, Promatheus performs its analysis to identify patterns and interesting points of interest about the data.

Once Promatheus identifies an event that meets the threshold of unusual behavior an operator is seeking, Promatheus send a real-time alert either through its own front-end interface or to an existing platform where a customer manages its operations, like a Human Machine Interface (HMI) or Video Management System (VMS).

Promatheus integrates easily into existing data analysis strategies, including video surveillance, network monitoring, and industrial control systems

Contact us

For additional information contact us on info@factionai.io